The Shepherdstown Chronicle

In the Spring of 2011 I completed an internship at The Shepherdstown Chronicle. It’s a small, local publication in Shepherdstown that comes out weekly (every Friday) that gave me the opportunity to interact with the community outside of Shepherd University’s campus, further develop my writing skills, and experience what it was like to work and write for a real publication. Below are a few clips of my work. I am also happy to say that I am now back at the chronicle for a second internship for my journalism minor and will be writing for them for the remainder of this year!


Not So Nutcracker Ballet Coming to Stage

State Farm Finds a Home in Shepherdstown 

Local Volunteers Participate in Operation Christmas Child

Book Sheds Light on Nursing Home Living

Making A Difference Through Art


Animal Welfare Society Events

Relay For Life Celebration

Big Bullet Fest

Clothing Shop Opens Doors

West Virginia Garden Club to host 81st Annual Convention

Harmony Healing Arts Center Marks 5 Years

Films To Be Shown At Opera House

Fire Department Hosts Annual Banquet